we live in a world that is obsessed with labels and stereotypes.
and everytime something or someone happens, we struggle to fit them into these nicely drawn boxed up categories. even the craziest japanese fashions have their neat little types.
i mean, i love organisation and all. but sometimes, it feels like when you try to fit people into categories that are fixed and rigid, or try to go down a fixed list of requirements, the small wonderfully quirky things get lost in the process. when people tell me things like, why do you want to date a boy who's ... or why aren't you looking for someone before you start work.. how are you going to get married? i usually stare and blink like an owl. i feel like telling them it's people like them that make me not want to get married -.- why can't people just be in the moment, together, not together, as long as they are happy? why do we need the labels of boyfriend, husband, "it's complicated". why do things have to be so bloody complicated. you enjoy being together, you spend time together. is putting the name of girlfriend, boyfriend on the relationship going to make you happier? if he's gonna leave, you can throw the chains of marriage and parenthood and grandparenthood even around a person's neck and that person will still happily skip off. if you're happy, you're happy. simple as that. and even if you're happy in that moment, it doesn't mean that moment will last, or that you will be together forever. but the result at the end doesn't take anything away from the happiness of that moment does it?
too many people don't get the process. they think that studying is only to get the degree or job at the end, or dating is the staircase you climb towards marriage and 2.5 children. everyone's just missing the point. the best most memorable moments in life are the quiet simple ones that allows you to just be in that moment. like if i think about my paris trip, it isn't the bags, shoes, eiffel tower or louvre that comes to mind first. it's the tiny little crepe shop in paris st. germain that i had a bowl of cider in. or in tuscany, it was actually one quiet sunday in castellini where the shops were all shut and we were just running around the streets. or in new york, it was that sunny afternoon on the highline. watching happy couples of different sexes and races. it gave me so much hope for this world (: that is the kind of world that i really really want to be a part of. open, free, accepting and comfortable.
you don't have to go out to do something, or buy something. sometimes, it's just nice to sit somewhere and watch the world go by. and maybe that's why i can be so content at home as well. the solitude, the still air and my thoughts. i'm happy. why can't others accept that i'm happy like that.
my dad is thinking of buying me a car. there's a feeling of permanence to owning a car somewhere. i'd rather he just buy me an apartment in new york really.